@article{oai:hijiyama-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000273, author = {斎藤, 寧 and SAITO, Yasushi}, issue = {46}, journal = {比治山大学短期大学部紀要, Bulletin of Hijiyama University Junior College}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, I utilized "basic ability to work in society" for the questionnaire item of graduation research as a new practical use field. There are three purposes of a questionnaire. The 1st is getting a junior college student to look back upon one's nostalgic elementary school days. The 2nd is getting a junior college student to recognize the core portions of capability or character formed through the experience at that time through recollection. The 3rd is giving a junior college student confidence and getting him to leave for vigorously new society as a result. The purpose of the questionnaire was successful. The practical use range of "basic ability to work in society" does not remain only in a means to only evaluate the present and future capability. We recognize the core portions of capability or character which recollected the past and were formed through experience. I have checked that "basic ability to work in society" could serve as a powerful means at that time. Now, I have illustrated that "basic ability to work in society" could utilize in a broad field in a university.}, pages = {1--9}, title = {「社会人基礎力」の活用展開 —卒業研究のアンケート項目に活用—}, year = {2011}, yomi = {サイトウ, ヤスシ} }